Data for Climate Action

Оголошення результатів кейсу!

Meet the winning teams of the Data for Climate Action challenge and learn more about their projects. GRAND PRIZE WINNER “Electro-mobility: Cleaning Mexico City’s Air with Transformational Climate Policies Through Big Data Pattern Analysis in Traffic & Social Mobility” AUTHORS: [Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático]: Claudia Octaviano, Fabiola Ramirez, Oscar Araiza, Itzchel Nieto, Adolfo Contreras, Ulises Ruiz [University of California, Berkeley]: Sergio Castellanos, Daniel Kammen, Apollo Jain, Pedro Sánchez, Alan Xu, Héctor Rincón, Alex Gao THE PROBLEM: Mexico City is the most congested city in the world, and uses more than 20 million liters of fuel every day for transportation. In 2016, the local population was exposed to more than twice the levels of ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) recommended by national air quality standards. It is estimated that meeting PM2.5 and ozone standards in Mexico City could avoid up to 10,856 deaths each year. DATA SOURCES USED: Traffic data from Waze; data from EPA MOVES-Mexico, and Google Places’ Popular Times. METHODOLOGY AND APPROACH: The team quantified the number of traffic jams at different times and locations throughout Mexico City, and then used the MOVES-Mexico model to estimate emissions from the transportation sector. The team also used data from Google’s ‘Popular Times’ to understand population movement patterns in Mexico City. Based on this information, the team evaluated different potential locations for electric vehicle charging stations, along with three different policies and their impact in terms of avoided emissions: (i) electrification of the entire taxi fleet in Mexico City; (ii) electrification of Mexico City’s public transit buses; (iii) electrification of all light-duty vehicles in Mexico City. POTENTIAL IMPACT: The team found that policy (i) would reduce CO2 emissions from transportation by 3.4% and PM2.5 emissions by 3.1%; that policy (ii) would reduce CO2 emissions from transportation by 22% and PM2.5 by 24%; and that policy (iii) would reduce CO2 emissions from transportation by 49% and PM2.5 by 44%. The researchers identified strategic locations for EV charging stations in Mexico City, as well as two areas where electrification would be highly impactful both to serve highly populated areas and integrate marginalized communities: (a) along Circuito Interior and (b) the outer ring road Periférico. CONTACT INFO: Claudia Octaviano: Sergio Castellanos:;

I Місце

Best team ever
Andrew Kondrakov
Киев, Україна
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Robots and machines designing
Євген Урсалов
CEO & Co-Founder
Анна Крамаренко
project manager
Дар'я Закревська
National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Маркетологиня CASERS

II Місце

Andrew Kondrakov
Киев, Україна
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Robots and machines designing

III Місце

Rodion Salnik
Сумы, Украина
Sumy State University
Information Technologies
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